So I've seen quite a few YouTubers doing the 'I <3 Fall Tag' and soooo I have decided to do my own version of it over on my little blog. I'm sure some people are already doing it but I absolutely love Autumn so whyyy not? :)

1. Favourite Autumn lip product?
Ooooh that's a tricky one, I've been liking quite a few recently including Nivea's Milk and Honey lip balm. I also like my Balmi lip balm but I guess my favourite one at the moment is a Revlon lip butter in Raspberry Pie, which is a lovely berry colour.
2. Favourite Autumn nail polish?
Definitely definitely DEFINITELY Barry M's nail varnish in 'Raspberry'. I've been rambling on about this quite a bit recently but it is soooo lovely. It is exactly the same colour as the lip butter, a sort of deep red, berry colour. It looks just plain red in the picture but honestly it isn't!
3. Favourite Autumn drink?
This was originally fave starbucks Autumn drink but I never go there because Worcester doesn't have one!! Tricky, I can't say I really drink anything different in Autumn except for maybe just hot drinks in general. I love a tea and green tea with lemon or even fruit teas which are really lovely and hot chocolate...mmmm.
4. Favourite Autumn candle?
I feel boring again because, don't get me wrong I love candles, but I can't justify spending like £20 or however much a Yankee candle is, on a candle, also I don't know if it's just me but whenever any candle is burning no matter where it's from or what scent it is, all I can smell is burning candle....? Sooo I guess my favourite candles are just tea lights which you put into a pumpkin :)
5.Favourite Autumn scarf or accessory?
This might have to be a scarf I got from George. It's a mix of red, burgundy and purple so a great colour for Autumn. It's not woolly so it's not super hot but it's still warm enough to keep you snug in the colder days.
6. Haunted House, ghost train or ghost walk?
I've altered this one a bit because I'm not sure if 'hay rides' or 'corn mazes', which were originally in the question, are that common in England compared to ghost trains and ghost walks.
I do not like ghost trains, as a gullible 4 year old I went on the one at Alton Towers thinking it was a train in the shape of a ghost....I cried and i'm sure now being 19 I'd still be terrified. Ghost walks scare me too. My town has one and Worcester is a really old place so there are loads of stories of ghosts and things. It's super scary because they're sightings and things by real people instead of plastic figures and mechanisms. I'd have to go with a haunted house, at least you can run through them and get out asap...In case you hadn't noticed, I'm a wimp :P
7. Favourite Halloween Movie?
I'd have to go with Halloween town which when I was younger always seemed to be on the Disney Channel around Halloween time. It reminds me of dressing up and going to friend's parties.
8.Favourite sweets to eat at Halloween?
Ummmmm, do England do a specific sweet for Halloween? I love alllll sweets so any sweets are great. I do like the little ghost and eyeball chocolates and things :)
9. What are you dressing up as for Halloween?
I do not have a clue! last year we went to our friends uni party and I was a devil. I'd like to do something like a scary doll or something a little more original this year. Any ideas? lol.
10. What's your favourite thing about Autumn?
The colours. I love reds and oranges and goldsssss. I also love Haloween and Bonfire night!!!!!! I also like the fact that it's getting colder outside but it's not sooo cold that you don't want to get out of bed in the morning.
Thanks for reading :) I'd love to read your 'I love Autumn Tag' if you do it or if you've already done it so feel free to link it to me. I tag everrrryone reading this to do the tag :)
Lots of love, Lucy xx